Brian Zeigler, the PGA Director of Instruction at The Club at 3 Creek in Jackson, Wyoming, has been named the 2019 Teacher of the Year by the Rocky Mountain Section PGA.  Zeigler was elected to PGA membership in 2015 and this marks the first time he has been recognized with a Section award.

The Teacher of the Year award bestows special recognition on a Rocky Mountain Section PGA golf professional that has performed outstanding service as a golf instructor. The honoree is chosen based on his or her performance, leadership, image, promotion of the game of golf, and impact on teaching and golf instruction as well as their involvement in junior activities at their facility in addition to innovative contributions to golf instruction and published articles.

For Brian, being a teacher does not mean not being a student.  During the last year alone, he has shadowed seven different Top 100 instructors and has participated in eight different golf schools.  All of this learning has put Zeigler in a position to excel at his club.  In only two years, he has more than quadrupled the amount of teaching hours given at the facility.  Brian works with beginners, playing professionals, and all levels between, putting good use to all of his efforts in becoming a well-rounded, and now award winning, instructor.

Zeigler has a diverse clientele ranging from the juniors in his camps and schools to, he estimates, 40% of his Wyoming lessons are given to women over the age of 50.  The 6 to 10 stroke improvements Brian sees each summer season in his students has led to excellent student retention and increases in lessons given because of great word-of-mouth recommendations.  Brian has devoted his career to teaching golf and strives to envelop his students in a dedicated program involving equipment fitting, game management, and swing mechanics.  Zeigler will formally receive his 2019 award during the 2020 RMSPGA Annual Meeting next May.